HTML5 基礎教程

HTML 介紹HTML 元素HTML 屬性HTML 文字樣式元素HTML 水平線HTML 清單元素HTML +CSSHTML +JavascriptHTML 超連結HTML 檔案路徑HTML <!-- 註解 -->HTML 特殊文字HTML 顏色HTML 區塊元素與佈局XHTML

HTML5 多媒體教程

HTML <table>表格HTML <iframe>線內框架HTML <img> 圖片HTML <video> 影片HTML <audio> 音樂

HTML5 表單教程

HTML <form> 表單HTML 各種表單元素HTML <input>HTML <input>屬性


HTML5 介紹HTML5 支援HTML5 新元素HTML5 正確語法

HTML5 Graphics

HTML5 CanvasHTML5 SVGHTML5 Google Maps

HTML5 哪裡不一樣?

HTML5 的宣告十分簡單

HTML5 的文字編碼宣告也非常簡單

HTML5 新增元素

新 HTML5 應用程式介面

在 HTML5 中移除的舊元素

移除的舊元素 可以替代的元素
<acronym> <abbr>
<applet> <object>
<basefont> CSS
<big> CSS
<center> CSS
<dir> <ul>
<font> CSS
<strike> CSS, <s>, or <del>
<tt> CSS


年分 版本
1989 Tim Berners-Lee 發明www
1991 Tim Berners-Lee 發明 HTML
1993 Dave Raggett 制定 HTML+
1995 HTML 工作小組定義 HTML 2.0
1997 W3C 擬議: HTML 3.2
1999 W3C 擬議: HTML 4.01
2000 W3C 擬議: XHTML 1.0
2008 WHATWG HTML5 首次公開制定
2012 WHATWG HTML5 Living Standard
2014 W3C 擬議: HTML5
2016 W3C 候選人 擬議: HTML 5.1

從1991到1999年, HTML 從第1版發展到第4版 

In year 2000, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recommended XHTML 1.0. The XHTML syntax was strict, and the developers were forced to write valid and "well-formed" code. In 2004, W3C's decided to close down the development of HTML, in favor of XHTML. In 2004, WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group) was formed. The WHATWG wanted to develop HTML, consistent with how the web was used, while being backward compatible with older versions of HTML. In 2004 - 2006, the WHATWG gained support by the major browser vendors. In 2006, W3C announced that they would support WHATWG. In 2008, the first HTML5 public draft was released. In 2012, WHATWG and W3C decided on a separation: WHATWG wanted to develop HTML as a "Living Standard". A living standard is always updated and improved. New features can be added, but old functionality cannot be removed. The WHATWG HTML5 Living Standard was published in 2012, and is continuously updated. W3C wanted to develop a definitive HTML5 and XHTML standard. The W3C HTML5 Recommendation was released 28 October 2014. The W3C HTML5.1 2nd Edition Recommendation was released 3 October 2017. The W3C HTML5.2 Recommendation was released 14 December 2017.
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